Monday, October 8, 2012

Causes of a drought

There are many causes of droughts. When water vapor does not rise to the cooler regions of the atmosphere rain does not fall; causing a drought. Also, a drought can be caused by the change in wind patterns. The change in wind patterns can move clouds and moisture through the atmosphere causing an area to receive less rain or snow for a long period of time. Mountains can causes droughts because they can prevent wind from blowing moisture to areas in need of rain. Lastly, when an area experiences a stalled high pressure system, the area is exposed to excessive sunny weather which causes a drought.

Title: Droughts

What is a drought?

A drought is a long period of dry weather where little or no rain falls. Droughts happen often and naturally around the world. The severity of the drought depends on how little precipitation falls, how long the drought lasts, and the size of the area that is affected. A drought can cause low water in streams, rivers, lakes and ponds, water level in wells, and dried up vegetation. Some people do not realize that this affects their food and water intake. You can do your part during a drought by using less water, such as, watering your grass less and taking shorter showers.  

Title: What is a drought?

Assignment Instructions

Dear Students,

This blog will be used as a way to communicate what we are learning about extreme weather conditions. You will use the internet to research information about droughts. Then, you will use this blog to create posts based upon your research. You are going to begin to think deeper about droughts and how they affect people, and places in your country. Your posts must include:

A) Further internet research on droughts?

B) A brief summary explaining your findings.

C) Images that illustrate your research.

D) Provide the website title and URL where you obtained your interesting drought information.

If you need further assistance you can email me at